COVID-19 update

I am sure that you are all following the COVID-19 news closely these days.  Being in the middle of the Winter Storage Period for the 2021 season, there is really little need for an additional update at this time.  However, word of vaccines being administered and a recent slowdown of the spread of the pandemic in Alberta have provided a much needed positive outlook after a less than memorable holiday season.  Many people seem to be using this as an excuse to relax their enforcement of the health restrictions in their lives … especially when they are at the lake.

We are a seasonal community, and you are not allowed to permanently live at the Resort.  However, the Resort is not currently closed and winter access is permitted for short stays.  As is usual for this time of year, there are no services provided and all common areas are either closed or left to random access at your own risk.  This winter, we have seen more people than usual at the Resort as they try to enjoy the snow while physically distancing.  There is nothing wrong with this as life at the Resort can allow people to do this safely.  However, I encourage everyone to remember that the lake is a part of Alberta, and the provincial health laws still apply even though you are far from the city.

Please remember, at this time:

– Your RV or cabin at the lake is just like your home and the same laws apply.  You are not legally allowed to have anyone enter your living unit other than members of your household or those who are otherwise designated as close contacts.

– All indoor and outdoor social gatherings – public and private – are prohibited by law.  Any winter activities that you participate in at the lake must be done separately from other individuals.  This includes outdoor campfire visits and other get togethers in and around the Resort.

– Do not enter into another lot without permission and wait for an invitation … every time.

– Be especially aware of the need for Dale and Anita to physically distance themselves from others, and please respect their wishes to have no visitors on their lot or within 6ft of their vehicle.  If you wish to contact them, this can be done either by email ( or through me.

Most importantly, do not enter into the Resort if you are feeling sick or have had contact with a confirmed case of the COVID-19 virus.   If this is the case then you should be isolating in your home and not travelling at all.

I hope everyone enjoys the “off-season” at the lake, and remember to keep the snowmobiles and other ATVs off the grassed areas and other people’s lots.

Please watch for another update in the spring.