COVID-19 update

May 12, 2020

The summer-like weather that we have experienced over the past few weeks may have subsided for now, but the annual move to live outdoors has definitely begun for Albertans.  Recent announcements by our provincial government have provided a plan to loosen the COVID-19 restrictions on businesses.  It is worth noting that daily campgrounds are allowed to open, with restrictions that encourage campers to adhere to current public health orders and with published guidelines to suggest changes to how these places are operated.

You may have also noticed that the provincial parks in Alberta have recently announced that they will be open next month, but with reduced capacity.  This is to accommodate the recommendation that daily campgrounds set aside a larger living space for each RV unit.  They will only allow the use of every second campsite, and they will limit each campsite to only one RV.  Also, it has been acknowledged that travel to summer homes, cabins and cottages within Alberta does not significantly increase the risk, as long as people remember to “respect the health and safety of small communities and plan their trip with minimal stops where possible”.

I have been speaking with our Alberta Health Services inspector quite a bit this season, and these new announcements are consistent with what he has been indicating to me all along.  At this time, there is still no intention to close down the Resort this summer.  He agrees that we are different than the typical daily campground, and that our lots are large enough that we can continue to allow all lots to be used.  However, only one living unit should be allowed per lot.

It is for this reason that we are not allowing overnight guests to stay in the Resort at this time.  This is a temporary change to the Resort Rules.  No guests are allowed to use your lot or camp in Moose Park.  This is to prevent short stay campers from coming in contact with our population and from over-crowding the lots.  This prohibits all overnight guests whether they bring their own RV or not.  People who are part of your extended family, who regularly come to the Resort and that you are comfortable having stay with you in your own living unit, are still allowed.  Only one living unit is allowed per lot each night, unless arrangements have been made in advance for special circumstances.

In the last update there were some guidelines included for using your lakelot while abiding by the COVID-19 restrictions.  These guidelines are now available on our website (bottom right of the home page).  We are all advised to “when outdoors or in public, take all the necessary precautions to protect your health and the health of those around you” and to “help prevent the spread” of the virus.  These guidelines are meant to assist you in doing this, while enjoying your time at the lake.  Please keep them in mind, and interpret them to fit your specific situation.

Some of you are wondering about the new ABTraceTogether app that can be downloaded onto a cell phone.  I have installed the app on my phone which I carry with me everywhere I go at the Resort.  It may use a little more battery power, but I am happy to have it … just in case.

The Campers Association has officially cancelled the Spring Annual Meeting this year.  You can likely expect that there will be notes published to help communicate some items to you that would have been announced at the meeting.  Any Campers Association events that happen this season will be quite different than in the past.  Please watch for future announcements.

In spite of all of this, remember our local Smith businesses.  Many are still open, so please use their services as appropriate, whenever you can.  These businesses need our support, now and always.

The Resort has been busy with people coming to their lots to enjoy the great outdoors, while practicing physical distancing.  Our community is working together to respect everyone’s desire to stay safe in their own way, while socially interacting with each other and avoiding cabin fever.  We all look forward to the day when this is over, and life at the lake can return to normal.